[April 2, 2010] Howdy, readers of ProteinWisdom and our other conservative friends! You guys really should stick around this blog and subscribe to the RSS or the Twitter feed, because, guess what? Billboardom is proud to present
An absolutely awesome
Our regular programming follows below.
To mark the approaching end of a political era, Billboardom presents a collection of billboards featuring
Our Leader (Orlando, 2004).

billboard for Animal Planet in Buenos Aires.
Anti-Bush billboard in Phoenix.

A billboard for a liberal radio network (via

billboard by Naked (NZ).

One of many
anti-Bush billboards in Havana (
see the fangs up close).
New York, 2004
Bush-Cheney campaign billboard, 2004
Georgia welcomes Bush, 2005

billboard by the Obama campaign in Minneapolis-St.Paul, 2008.

A bit of
culture jamming in Australia.

... and in
San Francisco.
Little Brother is Watching, Boston

billboard outside Crawford, Texas.

A billboard in Toronto.
A billboard for an Australian real estate company.
Hell Pizza in New Zealand.