26AprilFord's "Car on the Wall" Billboard (0)

A more creative variation of the car-on-the-wall billboard theme, via AdFreak.

26AprilWindshield Covers for Smart (0)

Covers left on the windshield of Smart cars in a public parking designed to convince people that Smarts are bigger than they seem. More at adverbox.

26AprilMINI Vending Machine Billboard (0)

Andy Awards are in, and most of the winners in the outdoor category have already been featured on the pages of Billboardom, except for this "MINI vending machine" billboard. Goes straight into our collection of other MINI billboards.
-- via Ad Rag

26AprilSheep Poetry (0)

Since everybody is so excited (including the NY Times) about all those billboards on sheep, here's something else: "Fifteen of the woolly animals in Northumberland have been daubed with random words and left to roam their field - making poetry in motion."
-- Sky News, Dec.2002

Also, consider alternative media choices: dogvertising and cowvertising.

26AprilLeggy Nuns (0)

When I saw this pic on Mighty Optical Illusions, it took me forever to figure out what the illusion was. Now I am torn between spoiling it and letting you figure it out. Guess which one I picked. Or is it just me who's slow here.
-- source: Optical Illusions etc

25AprilDali Clock Promotes Exhibition (0)

A warped Dali clock promotes a Dali exhibition. Here's another Dali-themed outdoor stunt in Philadelphia.
-- ads of the world

25AprilHeat-Emitting Billboard (0)

This billboard emits heat and melts snow to promote a travel agency and its sunny destinations.
-- ads of the world

25AprilBlush Bag (0)

So this bag is all over the internets now and some say it's not terribly original, but I think it would be a nice match to the Fedex t-shirt.

25AprilHair Dryer Promotes Nasal Discongestant (0)

source: creative criminal

25April"Hairdo" Bus Shelter (0)

source: coloribus

25AprilHonda's "No Choke" Billboard (0)

Lethal says, "This is a piece for Honda at 49 Old St, London. Designed to tease and
communicate the proposition provided by Honda's new Civic Hybrid, which is
exempt from the London Congestion Charge because of low emission rates. NO CHOKE is made from moss and wood, and was designed and produced by Lethal and Sally McCaffrey, a landscape artist."

24AprilFirefox Bus (0)

For all Firefox fanboys and fangirls, here's an Indian Firefox bus. More pics here.

24AprilRowenta Billboard (0)

As a side note, what do you call this thing the billboard promotes? Curlers? I need to get a life.

24AprilBus Shelter Looks Like Furnished Room (0)

If you liked the McDonald's bus stop, you'll love this one from Prague. Another creative execution advertising mortgages (here's one from Turkey).
-- ad arena

24AprilT-Shirt with Boobs and Extra Hands (0)

Noticed this t-shirt on foreign blogs and couldn't resist posting it here. Don't think it has anything to do with billboards.

24AprilGiant Truck On Its Head (0)

Source: advertising for peanuts.

24AprilAmnesty International's Outdoor (0)

A campaign for Amnesty International. There's one for UNICEF that uses the same concept.
-- coloribus

20AprilMortgage Billboard (0)

No, billboards for banks and financial services don't have to be boring, not in Turkey.
-- bigumigu

20AprilSteaming Coffee Manhole Cover (0)

Oh, this is the work of genius. Why waste the precious steam coming from the manhole covers when you can make a perfect coffee ad out of it.
-- Coloribus

18AprilBoundary-Pushing Billboard-Bending Butts (0)

A recent billboard for Fitness Company, found by Advertising for Peanuts.

An older billboard for Sweetex from the archives.

18April"Nintendo DS Grave" Outdoor (0)

An outdoor campaign in Italy advertising (I think) the Resident Evil: Deadly Silence game for Nintendo DS. Kind of like this zombie hands promo.

18April"Painted Shadows" Outdoor (0)

Auckland Regional Council painted palm tree shadows to show people what they were missing.
-- frederik samuel

18April"Exercise More" Poster (0)

A (perhaps adhesive) poster with a basketball ring and basket, via Coloribus.

18AprilSciFi Channel's Outdoor (0)

A tomb for SciFi Channel in Toronto.
-- infopub

15April"Sugar Dadies" Billboard (0)

More African billboards can be found at Houtlust.

14AprilBus Billboard for Adsense (0)

Photoshopped or not, this supposedly Google's billboad for its AdWords program raise a bunch of interesting questions about advertising going transmedia. Would be even better if made clickable.
-- via advertising for peanuts

14AprilSocially Responsible Billboard in Liberia (0)

Click image to zoom in. Source: Advertka.

14AprilBillboards as Blankets for Homeless (0)

Salvation Army used real blankets for posters so that homeless people can use them whenever needed.
-- coloribus

13AprilOutdoor Mini-Museums for Ikea (0)

If you liked Ikea's showcase on wheels or it's recent outdoor campaign that wrapped street furtniture in funky fabrics, you will love these outdoor showrooms placed in Japan.
-- advertising for peanuts

13AprilBillboards Mounted on Sheep (0)

I know you've seen this image already, but for the sake of record-keeping I had to repost it here. Nice, but not original. Golden Palace has already branded cows.
-- via We Make Money

06AprilModded Taxi Advertising A Toyshop (0)

A wind-up taxi advertises The Biggest Toyshop in the World.
-- advertising for peanuts

06AprilDouble-Sided Billboards Fight Drugs (0)

An interesting use of billboards' "doublesidedness" in this Saatchi campaign in Singapore.

06AprilBathroom Doors Fight Drunk Driving (0)

Looks like remodelling bathroom doors is the second hottest trend in out-of-home advertising right after hacking urinals (followed closely by crushing balls). This is a good one, though. The Pedestrian Council of Australia made public bathrooms look like jail cells to convey the consequences of drinking and driving (don't-drink-and-drive billboards are a whole separate subject altogether).
-- from Frederik Samuel's

04AprilWindows-Decorated Computer Store (0)

A small Windows-decorated store that sells computer hardware in Ukraine.
-- advertka

04AprilBoobs Painted on MINI To Advertise Something (2)

It says: "FHM. It's a guy's thing." Don't know what FHM is. Comes from the depth of my hard drive.

[Update April 7, 2006] As many of the Billboardom's reader have kindly pointed out, FHM is a men's magazine. Dunno, I prefer Playboy in Braille.

04AprilMore Crushing Balls (0)

Loved the giant advertising things that crush cars? AdRants brings you more, here (the tennis balls) and here (the red ones). And the muffins, the killer muffins!

04AprilGiant Maxim Billboard in Nevada Desert (0)

AdRants writes about a giant - 75 X 110 foot - replica of the Maxim magazines's cover placed in the Las Vegas desert to celebrate Maxim's 100th issue. Let's get a huge model if we can't have our huge iPod.

02AprilBillboard Graffiti (0)

A social outcry against donut terrorists takes form of a billboard-liberating graffiti.
-- via I Am Bored (and who isn't?)

Illegal Billboards by Ron English

02April"Building Mod" Billboard (1)

Mighty Optical Illusions brings us this billboard (more pictures inside) in Toronto that doesn't really advertise anything, but uses the same "building mod" approach as this Turkish billboard for Volkswagen and the NY billboard for Court TV.

01AprilBig Butt Outdoor (0)

Two creative ways to use the big-butt incentive in an outdoor ad:

Slap the image on chairs at a restaurant (via ads of the world).

Make the image elastic and stretchy and put it on the gym exercise machines (via crative brain).

01AprilFiat Ad on Airplane Windows (0)

An ad for Fiat over porthole shades.
-- creative brain

01April"Clearance" Store Front (0)

-- source: Adlova
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