Dec 15, 2008

Arby's Hijacks Billboards with Thought Balloons

Arby's (a fast-food chain) flies balloons with its logo in front of others' billboards in Atlanta. The chain's current slogan is "I'm thinking Arby's", naturally.
-- ads of the world


  1. beautiful, i love it. Billboard advertising has gotten so monotonous that i am happy to see someone take a creative approach, even if it means hijacking other billboards. I think its genius, am i alone?

  2. I agree - sheer genius. It's simple, affordable, consistent with their present marketing campaign. Whoever thought of this one deserves a big raise and a corner office!

  3. this ad is very beautiful, nice idea.

  4. I like the way this campaign utilized two advertisers in one location. Way to get their monies worth and create a buzz!


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