Apr 23, 2007

Giant "CO2 Emissions" Balloon

"To help people understand what they could do in their life, WWF [China] offered 20 tips on energy saving by presenting a puzzle game participated by school children at the ceremony, sending a clear message to the public that saving energy is simple and easy as "child’s play." In addition, a huge balloon, painted in black with words of "driving less and cutting CO2 emission" written on it, was inflated gigantically on spot after being tied to a car’s vent-pipe as a striking manifestation of carbon dioxide by automobiles."

-- ads of the world, wwf china

1 comment:

  1. i think this is a great way to raise awareness!

    people might not have thought about it a few years ago and i know people like that, which have now changed their minds due to awareness raising campaigns.



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