Aug 28, 2006

Sopranos "Hand in the Trunk" Campaign in Russia

The campaign for the HBO show The Sopranos comes to Russia (along with the show itself, that is). More pictures and explanations (in Russian) here.

Soap Dispenser Promo of Something

I bet this soap dispenser isn't anywhere in the States, but beyond that it's anyone's guess about what this is.
-- from here

Tampon "Cycle, Moto " Spoof Billboard

The Italian Spot Anatomy finds this Russian spoof of Motorola's Moto campaign in dubbio gusto. The billboard apparently promotes tampons and says, in Russian, "MOTO CYCLES" (the pun sort of works in English, too). Don't know if it's real of 'shopped, but will put an update if I find out anything.

Speaking of dubbio gusto, they also have this billboard for Axe:

"Skoda Parked Near Monument" Augmented Billboards

Ad Blog Arabia brings us this wonderful set of billboards for Skoda found in Prague. As they say, "The actual statue was covered from all sides by large billboards depicting.. well.. the statue, with the car added in. When you stand at certain angles the add blends in almost perfectly with the surrounding scene." The blog has many more pictures, too. We've seen billboards augmenting reality before: in this Amnesty campaign, and in Estonia, for example.

Guy Cleaning Teeth on Orbit Billboard

Someone else's teeth, that is. Sort of the same worker-on-a-billboard idea, although not quite, for Mini.
-- frederik samuel

One-Man Stretchers Outdoor

Volunteers are recruited through this very cool "one-man stretcher" campaign in Germany.
-- coloribus

Bathroom Decal for Jontex

Nice creative work for Jontex condoms in Brazil. The secondone looks like the one for Kill Bill. On the first picture, the banner was spread out during half time at soccer matches.
-- sloganmaker on flickr, twenty four

Upskirt Promo for Che Magazine

Posters in supermarkets promoting for the Che magazine in Belgium.
-- via AdRants

"Think of Your Sponsor" Locker Room Poster

A poster in a soccer locker room reads: "Important! Think of your sponsor under all circumstances." Right. Always keep your eye on the goal and your mind on the paycheck. Love the attitude.
-- sloganmaker on flickr

Aug 16, 2006

Offtopic: Weird Retro Ads

Taking a break from billboards and sharing a few bits from my growing retro ad collection. The guy on the second one is indeed Ronald Reagan.

-- source

Energy Drink Eye Covers

These promo pieces for energy drink Rox were given out to train commuters.

"Kill Bill" Bathroom Promo

Kept meaning to post this for a few months now, so here. A promo for Kill Bill in Asia.
-- ads of the world

"Violence Everywhere" Posters

Cut-outs warning people about the dangers of walking alone in the dark in Mexico.
-- coloribus

Blue Rubber Duckies in Fountain for Adidas

Adidas filled a Copenhagen fountain with blue rubber ducks to promote its new store.
-- Thomas Christensen

Aug 8, 2006

The "Hip Ronald McDonald" Poster

Somewhere in Japan, Ronald McDonald is learning the groovy moves.
Credit: art.reyu on flickr

Aug 3, 2006

Ubuntu Billboard

Nothing creative about execution of this billboard except for the fact that it promotes Ubuntu.