Mar 16, 2006

Fedex T-shirt

Source: adme (in Russian)

Rethinking Print Advertising


  1. where can i buy this t shirt???

  2. yeah, where can people buy this shirt? obviously someone is wearing one!

  3. the T-shirt is weared by the man so cool

    where can human-being buy it???

  4. Hi, I'm from space, and my fellow space beings would like to know where we can buy this shirt.

  5. Well this t-shirt is looking very stylish. I really like its color combination. I 'll try to purchase it. Can anyone tell me that is this shirt is available in the market?

  6. Does anyone know where someone can buy this shirt? I featured it on my blog after seeing it on BoingBoing but now I can't figure out where to purchase it :(

    If anyone can help I'd really appreciate it, I've been getting lots of requests for the link!

    Check out my blog for some more cool t-shirts if you get a chance, I write about promotional tees (


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