29NovemberSevered Arm Promotes Tarantino Movie (0)

In Amsterdam, a strategically placed severed arm holds a Death Proof DVD promoting the movie and the theater playing it. These zombie hands weren't bad either.
-- New Message

14November"Let Them Starve" Billboard (0)

This is art, people.
-- omami

14NovemberThe "Don't Drink and Drive" Witch (0)

"This Halloween, don't drink and drive." Or drink and fly. Found in Guatemala by Coolz0r.

13November"Save Electricity" Billboard (0)

Billboard from Eskom in South Africa: Use Electricity Wisely.
-- tree hugger

13NovemberFedEx Truck (0)

A FedEx truck with painted UPS trucks in it. Kind of like this and this, but still pretty funny.
- via adgoodness.
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