21NovemberCompeting "No Dropped Calls" Billboards (0)

This one is for Cingular, via Advergirl.

This one is for T-Mobile, via Flickr

The question is, what will Verizon drop to make its counterpoint?

20NovemberPainted Hole Promotes Cell Service (0)

One of those anamorphic illusions painted on the sidewalk to promote Canada's cellphone service.
-- doweirdo

20NovemberTV Decals on Train Windows (0)

Decals looking like TVs were pasted around Mumbai trains to promote NDTV 24x7 (a channel, I guess).
-- creative criminal

20NovemberGovernment Ads on Traffic Light Buttons (0)

Don't know if they are real, but Adpunch says these are "government sponsored guerilla advertising campaign undertaken in London to garner public support on government policies in the U.K." Would love it if they were real.

20November"Drowned Child" Underwater Ad (0)

This ad on the bottom of a swimming pool showing a drowned child almost tops this decal of a dead woman. Love the look on the kid's face.
-- via coolz0r

20NovemberOutdoor for Pest Control Services (0)

Miniature police tapes on the streets for ORKIN pest controllers.
-- creative criminal

20November"Street Chains Replaced with Necklaces" Outdoor (0)

Oversized necklaces on the streets of Geneva to promote Accessorize.com.
-- adverbox

19NovemberRain-Sensitive Billboard for Mascara (2)

When it rains, mascara -- but apparently not Max Factor's -- runs. Simple. Similar to the famous "Pray for Rain" billboard for Playboy.
-- core 77

19November"Naked Breasts Against Speeding" Campaign (0)

An anti-speeding campaign in Denmark with topless women holding speed limit signs. Must have been inspired by this sign:

19NovemberCork Outdoor (0)

"For a annual wine trade fair in munich called "Forum Vini" Heye & Partner turned regular advertising pillars into giant corks."
-- thank you, Tim

12NovemberGiant iPod Billboard for Magazine (0)

I am sure this one has been posted before but couldn't find it so there. This 25 ft. iPod promotes Columbus Aliva magazine and plays music by local musicians. It's powered by a real iPod nano. Here's the playlist.
-- MacDailyNews; thank you, Elise

12NovemberOutdoor Ads to Fight Homelessness (0)

A couple of unrelated campaigns to fight homelessness from Invisible Red. Wonder if people tune out of the ads that are too scary, and whether it's too hard to create a more positive but an equally powerful execution.

12November"Giant Hand for Heineken" Billboard (0)

-- Frederik Samuel

12NovemberBus Poster for Duracell (0)

An outdoor/transit execution for Duracell batteries in India.
-- blogsome

12NovemberWrinkled Poster for Skin Care Salon (1)

Poster for Fizz salon by Interface Communications, Chennai, India.
-- via AdPunch

07November"Lord of War" Poster with Bullet Holes (0)

Just as the titles says, this is a poster for the movie Lord of War with some convincing bullet holes. Sao Paolo, Brazil.
-- i believe in adv

07NovemberBarebecue Grill Drain Outdoor (0)

An outdoor ad for grill makers.
-- Brennter
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