20FebruaryBillboard Sequences (0)

There's this classic example of an outdoor ad that pops up in just about any textbook on the subject. A French company puts up a billboard of a model in her lingerie with text that reads, "Next Monday, I'll Take My Bra Off." On Monday, the billboard is replaced with the one sporting the same model topless. It goes on until she's naked (love Europe's lax laws, no?), and here we have a campaign by people who had read their textbooks. This is the last in the series of billboards (in Europe, where else) that show an undressing model, placed sequentially on the way to a lingerie store. The rest of the pictures are at Frederik Samuel's. Also check out Burma Shave for the same approach.

20FebruaryCampaign for Public Toilets (0)

A cardboard guy peeing to protest the apparent lack of public restrooms in NYC, created by Saatchi and brought to us by Advergirl. Go pay her a visit and see one other pic from the same campaign.

15FebruaryFountain of Schweppes (0)

An outdoor campaign for Schweppes in Antwerp, Belgium. Source: Adrants.

11FebruarySocially Responsible Vodka Billboards (0)

Puru Gupta sends in some billboards by liquor companies feeling socially responsible.

08FebruaryLight Switch Billboards (0)


source unknown

08FebruaryDustbins As Vehicle for Social Advertising (0)

The Hautlust blog covers social advertising (should it be called sadvertising?) and has a nice compilation of dustbins used to educate people about, what else, poverty. The one on top reads, in Romanian, "thank you for your donation."

08FebruaryLever Turns Bus Shelter Into A Shower Room (0)

Bus shelters seem to lend themselves to all sorts of fun ideas these days. Nike did one, and Triumph did one, and once a bus shelter was turned into a spa. Now comes the turn of Lever who turned a shelter into a shower room to promote its Pure Rain bath soap. More pics at Adverbox.

08FebruaryAnother Smelly Outdoor Campaign (0)

Remember the billboard for Affinity that oozed smell of doggie food? This sticker for Pedigree does the same, only in a less complicated manner.
-- via Ad Arena.

Also, see on Ad Lab:
Smelly Packaging Encourages Impulse Purchase

08FebruaryBatman Searchlight (0)

An outdoor campaign in London for Batman's release on DVD, apparently by Diabolical Liberties.
-- Ad Arena

08FebruaryRussia's Fun Outdoor (0)

Konstantin Dlutskiy brings us these hysterical Russian outdoor gems:

Are you taking good care of your breasts? Strengthen your nipples with daily cold water ablutions. Soviet Union, 1930. Source.

"Grocery "Baby". Vodka, beer, groceries, vodka, beer." As Mr. Dlutskiy aptly puts it, "The baby on the picture looks pretty old to me but thenÂ… If from the infantile age you went vodka-beer-groceries youÂ’d look like this at the age of five." DIY signage. Modern Russia. Source.

"Dairy Produce." DIY signage. Modern Russia. Source.

08FebruaryFevicol Outdoor (0)

You'd think this outdoor installation advertises a hair loss prevention remedy, but Fevicol is actually an adhesive. Nice anyway. Here's another billboard that works well with trees and seasons.
-- via twenty-four

07FebruaryPSP Advergame on Urinal (0)

If you liked the Mini Cooper Urinal Game, you'll enjoy the one brought to you by Playstation Portable (via Marketallica).

On AdverLab:
Heat Activated Urinal Billboards
Bathroom Advertising Round-Up

07FebruaryDurex Pavement Outdoor (0)

I think I've collected enough material to do a special issue about advertising that uses sidewalk textures and elements. This is a nice one from Durex (see the one for Durex with Knobs at Adverbox).

07FebruaryAmnesty's "Free Speech" Billboard (0)

An older billboardom from an Amnesty's International campaign. More at Adverbox. Strangely reminiscent of this billboard showing bad teeth.

07FebruaryMirrors as Billboards (0)

A billboard for HSBC uses mirror to put viewers in the driver's seat. There's one more for Playboy on Coloribus where this billboard came from.

07FebruaryNike Decorates Trash Bins (0)

An interactive outdoor installation by Nike. Cool as always.

07FebruaryHanging Dogs Outdoor (0)

Frederik Samuel writes: "Life size die-cut dogs were attached to boomgates. When the gates opened up the dogs remained attached, demontrating the effect Iams has on the dogs teeth."

07FebruaryElevator Ad Shows Insides (0)

A creepy double-layered elevator ad that promotes Gunther van Hagens's Body Worlds 2 exhibit (via Advertnews).

02FebruaryNike Air Billboard (0)

Ha, nifty! A campaign for the new Nike Air Max 360 shoes.
-- Marketing Alternatif

02FebruaryFedEx Kinko's Marker Outdoor (0)

An outdoor campaign by BBDO New York for FedEx Kinko's.
-- via Ad Blather
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