31OctoberBillboards for New York Post (0)

Billboards announcing circulation numbers for New York Post placed across from the offices of Daily News. From Jessespector.com.

31October"Older Men" Billboard (0)

No details on this poster. Click to enlarge. Source: advertka (rus)

30OctoberCoke Truck (0)

Last one for tonight. Back to writing thesis proposal. Don't remember the original source.

30OctoberBlimp Gone Wrong (1)

Speaking of advertising blimps. Source: urod.ru (rus.)

30OctoberGay.com Billboard (0)

A close-up of the gay.com billboard that was taken down by Clear Channel in July after coming under pressure from interest groups.

30October"Ronald Coming to Town" Tiles (0)

A trippy wall tiles decoration in a Mexican McDonald's in Calexico. Source: detskiy_dvor (rus), a collection of wacky playground decorations.

30OctoberDoggie Style (0)

Nothing to do with advertising, but how could I resist? This is a playground decoration. Source: ru_marazm (rus.) Click image to zoom in.

29October"Screw It" Billboard (0)

Source: Tyger Lyllie on Flickr

29OctoberTriumph Bus Shelter (0)

Copy: "Attention: Glass!" Source: Infopub

27October50 Cent Billboard That Upsets Good People (0)

"Activists want Paramount Pictures to take down billboards promoting the upcoming film "Get Rich or Die Tryin'," claiming the advertisements promote gun violence" (CNN). If you heard the news but haven't seen what it's all about, that's what. Don't you hate how big news sites (CNN apparently excluded) never post pics along with the stories?

27OctoberEdina Realty Bus (0)

A nicely decorated bus for Edina Realty, back from a decade ago.

27OctoberMini Billboards, Part II (0)

Continued from Part I. Collected over the time from assorted sources, but many are at the OAAA creative library.
Also, here's a large library of great MINI print ads. Click on images to zoom in.

27OctoberTransparent Umbrella (0)

"These umbrellas were produced by Gloss Hair Salon and given to customers to promote their services. "Hair you want to show off" is the line on the clear umbrellas, perfect for showing off your new hair cut."
-- Frederik Samuel

26OctoberMirrors as Billboards (0)

mirror billboard

Interference Inc used hundreds of mirrors as attention-getting billboards in a new campaign for Women & Co.

24OctoberBillboard for iPod nano in Japan (0)

ipod nano billboard in japan

"As part of their rather unique advertising campaign, huge iPod nano posters now adorn the platform walls of Toyoko Line Shibuya Station. As you depart the train you'll be faced with a stream after stream of 1:1 iPod nano cutouts, in which you can pull off and take home. Obviously, I helped myself to a few as well. Needless to say, with its tens of thousands of people passing through Shibuya station daily, those iPod cutouts won't last very long."
-- purpin via Cult of Mac

billboard for ipod nano in japan

23OctoberCryptic Billboards (0)

Speaking in the target audience's language are these billboards:

electronic arts billboard
A recent "Now Hiring!" billboard for Electronic Arts Canada, a computer game publisher (via Adverbox).

google billboard
An older recruiting billboard for Google.

23OctoberBathroom Poster for MINI (0)

Ok, this officially is a week of bathroom advertising humor, complete with urinal art, a butt-kissing poster, and some context advertising for Carefree. Pictured above is an installation in a Canadian bathroom for Mini. Copy: "Test your handling skills". Click image to zoom in. Source: Adverbox. When you go to Adverbox, read the comments, too.

Check out an older post at AdLab for more bathroom advertising.

23OctoberCrashed Billboards (0)

Blue Screen of Death is not just for desktops anymore. Here are nice collections of billboards gone blue: from Daimyo and from PixelBeat. Below are some of the more spectacular ones.

ikea billboard crashes
Ikea billboard from Peter Kaminski

billboard crashes
Another crashed billboard from Joy.

crashed mcdonalds signage
Would you like fries with that? (Daimyo)

atlantic billboard crash
In the UK, too. (Daimyo again)

A fancy billboard for Sony PlayStation Portable. This one was all over the internet; here the source is Dispositive on Flickr.

times square
Times Square is not the best place for crashed billboards (well, a bit off the Square, across from Port Authority; pic by ihl on Flickr)

23OctoberHell Pizza Billboard (0)

What is it about superpowers' presidents that makes them so appealing to pizza businesses? The cheesiness? First (in 1997, to be exact), Gorby stars in a commercial for Pizza Hut, then some New Zealand's outfit uses Bush to peddle its own wares (pic from Flickr's kerrynz, here's the scoop).

gorbachev pizza hut commercial

bush pizza hell billboard

23OctoberMcDonalds and Obesity Billboards (0)

Very strange. This pic of McDonalds's billboard placed next to an anti-obesity one showed up on the bloggers' radars in mid-September (see AdRants, for example).

mcdonalds obesity billboard

Today, Mattymatt on Flickr posted another sighting of the two billboards in close proximity to each other, in San Francisco.
mcdonalds obesity billboard

A deliberate campaign? A Photoshop job?

23OctoberTalking Mannequins (0)

Picked up on Flickr from Spacecake. No details, but the caption is priceless: "For Six Word Story: Never lose your head over guys." If you into funky mannequins, go this way.

22OctoberPlayboy Billboard (0)

playboy billbord

While some billboards react to sunglight, this one for Playboy reacts to precipitation. Pretty old, it somehow has begun making rounds on the net again.

22OctoberBillboardom is NewYorkTimes'ed (0)

Geezuz, NY Times just linked here: "Most outdoor advertising, like most advertising everywhere else, tends to blend together in an indiscernible mélange. Billboardom spots exceptions."

Hey, Times' readers, since you are here anyway, check out my other project on advertising technology. Comes very handy for planners in ad agencies. And the MIT Branding Cultures Lab.

21October"Report" Poster (0)

Social realism strikes back. "Seen on the MARC commuter train (between Baltimore and DC) today, this picture pretty much sums up the new National Security."
-- Articulatory Loop

21OctoberYet More Bathroom Humor (0)

Click image to enlarge. Work by Quenstown Signs for Sofitel Melbourne hotel. More details here.

You do remember the Virgin Airlines' VIP urinals that caused such a stir a few years back, don't you? By the way, the company that made them - Bathroom Mania - has some nice matching tiles.

virgin kiss urinal

21OctoberCrime Bookstore Outdoor Promo (0)

outdoor promotion murder

A campaign by JWT Barcelona for La Librería Negra y Criminal (Noir & Crime bookstore) that takes a page from Sopranos' playbook (below). More pics at Adverblog.

outdoor promotion sopranos

20OctoberTransparent Billboards (0)

An art project that uses the effect similar to the last year's craze of trasparent laptop screens, where the artist takes a picture of the landscape behind the billboard and then puts it on the billboard itself. Nifty. Via lancelord.

20October"Smoking in Bed" Billboard (0)

Copy on the left-hand side: "Fire Safety Dept, city of Zheleznodorozhny." Copy on the right-hand side: "I was smoking in bed." Moscow. Source: svezhy on LJ.

20OctoberMake Your Own Billboard (0)

Upload a picture and this new Flickr toy will make it into an instant billboard on a busy street. The pic I used is a spec for an advertising class we took last year.

20October"Kissing Butt" Bathroom Poster (0)

kissing butt outdoor poster billboard

More bathroom humor, this time for some breath mints from Booktom. The poster is for placement in public restrooms.

Carefree Bathroom Ads

20OctoberPlow Art (0)

"Silje went home to the farm at which she was raised and started plowing images of animals onto the field."
-- Sponbustion via We Make Money Not Art

And this image was captured by a satellite and shows Peruvian farmland. See a bigger picture at Google Maps.

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